So you wanna be a web developer...
Created by
Wes Hardee
I work for The Nerdery
Yes, you heard me right.
How does a web developer do?
### Common features & Tech - Responsive design - CSS Animations/Transitions - Canvas - Carousels (aka slideshows) - API calls / CORS / JSON - OAuth - Parallax - Accessibility Compliance - Frameworks (Angular)
### Performance & Readability - Uglifying/minification - Styleguides - Image optimization
### Tooling - NPM/Node - Bower - SASS/LESS/Stylus/CSSNext - RequireJS/Webpack/Browserify - Grunt/Gulp - git (& git-flow) - scss-lint, js-hint / eslint - Vagrant - Mocha / Jasmine - Atom/Sublime Text - JSDocs - Handlebars templating
## What happened to the good 'ol days? You know, when all you needed was some html, CSS, and JS?
When I was in college...
Chrome wasn’t a thing.
Internet Explorer 7 was released, but IE6 was still king.
iPhones came out.
Android wasn’t a thing.
Flash/ActionScript was the bomb.
I thought Dreamweaver was cool. WYSIWYG 4 EVER
Gmail was in beta limbo (and I didn’t know it existed).
I learned Java.
^ Me
Be aware.
So how do I start?
Know JS
build a carousel
build it again without jQuery
debugging with breakpoints
JS Closures (global scope)
Git cozy with the command line
Browser Testing
Know some node
Try the back end
Get modular with CSS
learn to love the media object
Block Formatting Context
Understand Document Outlines
Get started on your GIF collection
Now you're awesome
You'll still feel like an imposter
And that's OK.
## I can haz knowledge? - []( - []( - [MDN]( - []( - [AirBnB JS Styleguide]( - [Smashing Magazine](
But I'm not a front-end developer
The End